
Title unknown, watercolor, 19th century
Vanderhoof, (biography unknown)
Anonymous donor (2487.1)
Responses from Visitors, 2009
Little Mia lived at home with her Ma and older Sister. Her older Sister, Sarah, was getting married. Mia wanted to be a part of the wedding so Ma told Mia to go pick some flowers. So there would be flowers for Sarah and her bridesmaids. While Mia picked the flowers, Sarah and Ma embroidered pillows. Finally, they were done in time for the dress to be done. When Mia came back, she had 80 flowers. Mia gave them to her Ma. THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
—Stories from Within, Age: 10 Spokane WA, August 8, 2009 at 10:56 AM
The dad of the family had left several years before. The eldest daughter had always done her best to help her mom as much as she could. For as long as she could remeber on chilly spring mornings her mother and her would talk about anything and everything. She always loved these bonding times and now that her sister was getting older she was joining in on the bonding time while learning to crosstich.
—Lola, Age: 15, Moses Lake Washington, May 15, 2009 at 9:10 AM
mandy and her mother are doing the laundry and the little one keeps bothering her wanting to go do something fun. the mom is like as soon as i get the supper started your sister will take you to the creek and fetch a bucket of water. the child about three years in age decides that sounds like fun and is going to jump around in joy. except thats not painted on yet that is to come next week on the fox channel. the end
—high school student, Age: 16, moses lake wa, May 1, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Verified: UNVERIFIED
After 9 months of waiting the baby finally arrived. Once she got home she knew the kids would want to see the new baby. She sat in a chair to let the kids see the baby. The kids are astounded at the new person in their mother's arms. They ask to hold the child but the mother insists that the baby is still too young to be messed with too much. The kids just have to wait a few more months until they can hold the baby.
—Mommy, Age: 15, Moses Lake/Washington, May 1, 2009 at 1:33 PM
Little Bethany was calming watching her mother Marrisa, waiting inpatiently for her mother to reply to the question she had asked her; "Mom, why do you make cloths?" marrisa, her mom just looked at her for a quick second and said nothing and went back to her work. Poor little Bethany really wanted to know the answer to her question. Bethany's older sister Kylie was there too, standing there looking at Marrisa also waiting for her to reply. They are waiting for Marrisa to answer poor little Bethany her question...
—babydoll123, Age: 16, Moses Lake WA, May 1, 2009 at 11:57 AM
Typical day in the life of a colonial day family, father out in the feilds taking care of the crops, mother knitting a sweater for the younger daughter and the older daughter doing chores, in the case, washing dishes
—Aleksey, Age: 14, Moses Lake, WA, May 1, 2009 at 11:48 AM
a family a three sit in house, waiting for a some money to come to help pay for their expenses. They have very little food to feed themselves. The three of them have no where else to go at this point in time.
—high school student, Age: 18, moses Lake,Wa, May 1, 2009 at 11:38 AM
Little May stood patiently waiting for her question to be answered. "How about I'll take you outside as soon as I am done with this laundry" Mary replied not looking up from her work. "We should take advantage of this sunshine while it lasts." Just then Emma strolled in humming a cherry tune. In her hands she held a pot of fresh water from the stream. She carefully put it down on the small wood table. She delicately wiped her hands in the washing basin and sat on a stool next to Little May. She looked playfully into her eyes and said "You know, if we stay here then we will miss seeing the sun faeries! That wouldn't be good." Little May smiled knowing a game was coming. "I'll come help you look." Mary said joining the fun. "Maybe we'll even see a Unicorn!" Soon the three sisters lay sprawled on the damp morning grass, giggling and tickling one another. Emma took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Don't you love the spring?"
—Claire, Age: 11, Alaska, April 10, 2009 at 3:17 PM
These three girls have endured a long Spokane winter, and are gathering around the window to soak up some rare sunshine.
—ThinkSpring, Age: 19, Spokane, WA, April 2, 2009 at 12:30 PM