East 500 Trent, Spokane, c. 1932

East 500 Trent, Spokane, c. 1932
Photographer unknown
John Fahey Photograph Collection
Gift of John Fahey, 1993, (L93-18.62)
Responses from Visitors, 2009
A cold day in Spokane...a soup line the great depression...depressing as hell
—mimi, Age: 47, spokane/wa, August 8, 2009 at 9:15 AM
I expect this must depict a breadline of the depression or perhaps - as they appear to be all men, a line for day-jobs. The men's postures are bent and suggest discouragement. A great many people hoping together. They are all in the same predicament, the only solace.
—Aal, Age: 65, Gallery submission, July 8, 2009 at 5:41 PM
Once upon a time, in a rural community in the depths of washington, during the great depression, hunger ran deep throughout the community. Many of the people in this town were very hungry and could rarely find something to eat to satisfy their hunger on account of it was the great depression. One day a man named James Phionex opened up a food house where he would give out free food to the needy. James was a very wealthy man who had a very honest heart. He knew that while he was living the life of luxury there were poeple outside dying in the cold weather because they had no money, food, or shelter. so, having a kind heart he bought a building and let people stay there free of charge and gave them three meals a day, a snack, and free t.v and showers. The people of this poor community were very happy about this and decided to give back to james. So, one day they all lined up outside of his building and began banging on the door. Once james opened the door they all yelled "Thank you."
—GF, Age: 17, Moses lake WA, June 4, 2009 at 6:47 PM
These people sit outside for a nice hot meal and somewhere to stay tonight instead of the in the cold winter in the northwest. This homeless shelter holds thousands of people every night as they wait for their immanent fate that is upon them. Ever since the second great depression hit in these hundred years this has been a normal way of life around the world. people come together to help each other servive any way they can before their last days on this planet hit zero.
—high school student, Age: 17, moses lake, May 20, 2009 at 7:18 PM
These people sit outside for a nice hot meal and somewhere to stay tonight instead of the in the cold winter in the northwest. This homeless shelter holds thousands of people every night as they wait for their immanent fate that is upon them. Ever since the second great depression hit in these hundred years this has been a normal way of life around the world. people come together to help each other servive any way they can before their last days on this planet hit zero.
—high school student, Age: 17, Moses Lake Washington, May 1, 2009 at 1:57 PM
The outbreak of Meningococcal Meningitis was beginning to devastate the small town of Berlin. After about a week of waiting and many sicknesses, the antibiotic finally arrived. Once everyone found out about it they all began to line up in front of the hospital hoping to get treated, but there wasn't enough vaccine to cure everyone who needed it. People began to travel to different towns, hoping to find a vaccine. After many weeks the disease was gone in the area and everyone was generally healthy.
—The cure, Age: 15, Moses Lake/Washington, May 1, 2009 at 1:50 PM
cloudy skies fill this day with loneliness, all the men and women have no home no food each day they have to lie and wait until they can get food. a lonely man searches for food so he doesnt have to wait in line, a dog had given up on begging for food now he sits all alone in the frozen waste land away from the people.
—high school student, Age: 18, Moses lake,wa, May 1, 2009 at 12:03 PM
BOOM BOOM BOOM! was heard throughout the city. Everybody was running, screaming and crying, they didnt know what was going on at first then they realized that the city was being attacked by another country.Somebody started yelling run to the big secured building so little by little people started going into the building and after awhile all the enemies were gone.
—CG, Age: 17, Moses Lake, May 1, 2009 at 11:57 AM
It was a cold dark night in the middle of December. All if the poor weere trying to find a nice place to sleep for the night. They were waiting in a never ending line that seemed to strch on for miles and miles. Everyone was wondering if there would be enough room for the to get a place to stay with a hot meal included. Children were crying beacuse they were so hungry and cold, they had not eaten a single crumb all day. There bodies were being to go very week on them, they were nagging there moms and dads for a bite to eat. Then the parents would begin to cry beacuse they felt bad that they could not provide for there family. Then they are next in line to get when when someone yells SORRY WE ARE FULL FOR THE NIGHT! We will be open again tomarrow. =(
—LG, Age: 16, moses lake/ WA, May 1, 2009 at 11:45 AM
Ugh.. Why's this line moving so slow?! I want my bread and soup NOW! I don't care if the bread is stale and the soup is without salt, I want my food! You, you infront of me! Move up! I'm sick of waiting! By the time I get my food I'll be 67!
—AZN, Age: 17, Moses Lake, May 1, 2009 at 8:09 AM
The bread line is beast. (that meens huge). I hate eating cabbage stew and old ass bread loaves. I waited in line so long that i died.
cold blooded killah, Age: 17, Moses Lake WA, May 1, 2009 at 8:08 AM
It started in Trent, Spokane but later moved elswhere. even though it had moved, though, it was still the worst in Spokane. thie thing is. no one knew what IT was. they just knew how to get rid of it. Their answer was one man. He knew the secrets. but claimed to all who met him that he didnt know how he did it. those who left his chambers in Spokane left in silence. Changed, seemingly. But some never even left at all. We are the ones who want to find out what has been happening
—High School Student, Age: 15, Moses Lake, WA, May 1, 2009 at 8:01 AM
The scene is depression or howcould this happen toteh InlandEmpire.Nooe saw this coming and now I wait in line for warmth or food
What happened? this only happens to the damn east coast
exactly what Spokanites belived in the 70's they belived then. They didn't believe Sinclair Lewis either.
—E 500 Trent, Age: 60, Seattle WA, April 9, 2009 at 12:41 PM
I do realize that this is not the true events of the picture but with a little imagination 500 East Trent Spokane could easily become the location of a marvelous castle inside of which a child has been born who will grow up to be king over all the land. Because the picture was taken in the past we might further imagine that we are living today in a Golden Age of peace and prosperity for all (an Eternal Spring if you will) and that the baby being born in the picture is the one who brought it all about. People have traveled far and wide to pay their respects. There is a lone guard keeping watch.
—Jasper, Age: n/a, Spokane, WA, April 8, 2009 at 1:40 PM
People are standing outside in the cold, waiting for a bowl of warm soup. A little dog sits patiently in the foreground, waiting for his owner.
—Techy, Age: 20, Spokane WA, April 1, 2009 at 5:23 PM