Shaw McCutcheon
Nationality: American
Affiliations: Editorial cartoonist, The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, and Washington
The Spokesman-Review’s former staff member Shaw McCutcheon stopped playing golf long enough in 2005 to allow the Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture to cull through his extensive archives and select a number of cartoons highlighting his long career as editorial cartoonist at the newspaper to add to the museum’s permanent collection. Interestingly, McCutcheon’s father was editorial cartoonist for the Chicago Tribune (1903-1946). Shaw McCutcheon majored in math at Harvard University, served as a B-17 weather officer during World War II, received art training at the Chicago Academy of Art, and then began a thirty-six year editorial cartoonist career (1950-1986) at the Spokane newspaper. His insightful cartoons examined local, regional, and national social, economic, and political events. The Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture holds McCutcheon cartoons in its art and archival collections spanning his thirty year career with The Spokesman-Review.
Sources: Shaw McCutcheon, 2006.

Anyone For A Safe-And-Sane 5th, 6th, 7th, etc.?
Image Dimensions: 18 x 14 1/2 inches (support)
Medium: ink
Inscription: “Anyone For A Safe-And-Sane 5th, 6th, 7th, etc.?,” top center margin; “Bang,” repeats across image; “Shaw McCutcheon,” lower right corner of image
Provenance: Gift of the Artist, 2006
Collection Number: 4124.12

At Cross-Purposes
Image Dimensions: 18 x 14 1/2 inches (support)
Medium: ink
Inscription: “At Cross-Purposes,” top center margin; “Entering Washington State, Legislation Penalizing Industry, Red Carpet to Attract New Industry to Washington State,” on image; “Shaw McCutcheon,” lower left corner of image
Provenance: Gift of the Artist, 2006
Collection Number: 4124.10

Back When Wars Had Ends
Image Dimensions: 18 x 14 1/2 inches (support)
Medium: ink
Inscription: “Back When Wars Had Ends,” top center margin; “Extra, Extra, Newspaper, Monday, Nov. 11, 1918, Great War Ends, Germany signs armistace terms, War to end at 11:00 a.m. Paris time, Kaiser flees to Holland, Republic set up in Berlin, Paris Nov. 11,” on image
Provenance: Gift of the Artist, 2006
Collection Number: 4124.13

Heap Big Change Since I was Here Last - Ugh!
Date: 1951
Medium: ink, paper
Inscription: “To Harold Abbott with best regards Shaw McCutcheon April 10, ’51,” lower right margin
Provenance: Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Livingston
Collection Number: 3677.1

Let’s Not Become So Absorbed Admiring the Picture that the Paint Water Inadvertently Spills On It
Image Dimensions: 18 x 14 1/2 inches (support)
Medium: ink
Inscription: "Let's Not Become So Absorbed Admiring The Picture That The Paint Water Inadvertently Spills On It," top center margin; "Northwest," on image; "Pollution," on image; "Shaw McCutcheon," lower edge of image
Provenance: Gift of the Artist, 2006
Collection Number: 4124.7

Newest Member of the Board of Direction
Image Dimensions: 18 x 14 1/2 inches (support)
Medium: ink
Inscription: “Newest Member of the Board of Directors,” top center margin; “Pacific Northwest Inc., Recreation - Region’s third Major Industry, Lumber, Mining, Agriculture,” on image; artist notes upper left margin lists major industries and sports of the region
Subject: Recreation
Provenance: Gift of the Artist, 2006
Collection Number: 4124.8

Sort of “Old-Fashioned”
Image Dimensions: 18 x 14 1/2 inches (support)
Medium: ink
Inscription: “Sort of ‘Old-Fashioned’,” top center margin; “I don’t see why they don’t come ’round anymore - they used to,” on image; “Spokane, new jobs, other cities, new industry,” on signs and figures on image; “Spring Fashion Preview, for further details consult your polling place March 13,” on handbill foreground of image.
Subjects: Spokane and WA
Provenance: Gift of the Artist, 2006
Collection Number: 4124.5

Thanksgiving Wishbone
Image Dimensions: 18 x 14 1/2 inches (support)
Medium: ink
Inscription: “Thanksgiving Wishbone,” top center margin; “Shaw McCutcheon,” lower left edge of image
Subjects: Washington State University, University of Washington, and The Apple Cup
Provenance: Gift of the Artist, 2006
Collection Number: 4124.9

The Best Way to Fully Appreciate One’s Progress
Date: ca. 1963
Image Dimensions: 18 x 14 1/2 inches (support)
Medium: ink
Inscription: “The best way to fully appreciate one's progress,” top center margin; “Just Look Back,” banner foreground; “Spokane and the Inland Empire,” banner on figure, signs with years posted on them scattered down the hill spanning from 1963 back to 1900.
Subjects: Spokane and WA
Provenance: Gift of the Artist, 2006
Collection Number: 4124.6

The Grateful Throng Welcomes The Returning Hero
Image Dimensions: 18 x 14 1/2 inches (support)
Medium: ink
Inscription: “The Grateful Throng Welcomes The Returning Hero,” top center margin; “Vietnam Veteran,” on image; “Shaw McCutcheon,” lower right edge of image
Provenance: Gift of the Artist, 2006
Collection Number: 4124.14

Using All of the Keys Produces Richer Harmony
Image Dimensions: 18 x 14 1/2 inches (support)
Medium: ink
Inscription: “Using All of the Keys Produces Richer Harmony,” top center margin; “Capitalism, White Participation, Black Participation,"” on image, “Shaw McCuthcheon,” lower edge of image, right of center
Provenance: Gift of the Artist, 2006
Collection Number: 4124.11